Apex Consultants Limited
公司地址 : 香港北角電氣道 169 號理文商業中心 19 樓 B1 室 電話 Tel : 2578 2105 傳真 Fax: 2566 9147 電郵 Email : apexc@ymail.com
Office Address : Unit B1, 19th Floor, Lee & Man Commercial Center, 169 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Employer Services 僱主服務
Apex keeps a comprehensive database of experienced and qualified candidates range from junior positions to executive levels. We place regular advertisement via different channels to attract talented candidates. We commit to provide the best candidates for our clients within a reasonable time frame.
We could also help our clients to analyse their company's training needs, and propose a tailor-made training plan to meet clients' objectives.
We would be delighted to discuss with you further on your needs. Please fill in our job order form and our consultants will contact you immediately for service.
時峰擁有龐大的申請人資料庫,當中的申請人遍佈不同階層,包括基層人員到高級管理人員,所有申請人全部都經過細心評核, 確保能符合不同僱主的需要。我們亦確保我們能在短時間內為僱主找到合適的人選。