Apex Consultants Limited
公司地址 : 香港北角電器道 169 號理文商業中心 19 樓 B1 室 電話 Tel : 2578 2105 傳真 Fax: 2566 9147 電郵 Email : apexc@ymail.com
Office Address : Unit B1, 19th Floor, Lee & Man Commercial Center, North Point, Hong Kong
Your Total HR Solutions Provider 全面一站式服務
Human Resources Management (HRM) is not only about record keeping, nor refilling positions. It is a comprehensive set of strategies that assist leaders to maximize staff efficiency at a competitive cost.
Apex Consultants Limited is a professional human resources consultancy company, specializing in the staff provision services, either on temporary or permanent basis, with clients across various industries.
Other than recruitment, our experienced team of consultants also provide tailor-made consultancy services in training and development, succession planning, performance management, as well as talent management.
We have a wide spread of client profile ranging from small business organizations to large multi-national groups. We are your strategic partner that offer you the cost efficient and professional human resources consultancy services.